From our Teaching Artist workshops and general celebrations of our Young Artists and our programming, there is never a dull moment with ArtWorks!

Next Week Is #GivingTuesday And You’re Invited!

Camila and Delaney from St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital are a wonderful example of how the Young Artists, who participate in creative programs provided by ArtWorks, The Naomi Cohain Foundation, use their passion to heal, inspire and empower themselves. Next week, (November 27th) ArtWorks will participate in #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. We invite our supporters to help us continue our mission to bring the healing power of the arts to children and young adults facing chronic and life-limiting illnesses, as well as their families. #ArtWorksKids #LetArtHeal 

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