From our Teaching Artist workshops and general celebrations of our Young Artists and our programming, there is never a dull moment with ArtWorks!
Jeilen, 11 from Rusk Rehabilitation Center wrote, “This painting is better than before, doing art makes me happy and feel better.” #ArtWorksDaily
Today we celebrate #NationalHighFiveDay! Massandje’s hand with glitter paint reminds us to go around and high five everyone you see today!
Summer is approaching and watermelon is always a great treat on a hot day! Madeline made this watermelon at Saint Joseph’s Regional Medical Center all out of buttons! #ArtWorksDaily
Amanda’s creative art mask reminds all our Young Artists facing chronic and life-limiting illness to have hope, strength, and faith! #ArtWorksDaily
Nakayla, 11 from The Brooklyn Hospital painted Fun in the Sun for sunny days like today! #ArtWorksDaily
Our Young Artists appreciate animals above ground and under water! Dolphins are no exception! Happy #NationalDolphinDay! #ArtWorksDaily
Samantha, 14 from University Hospital drew this beautiful sunflower! ArtWorks hopes everyone is enjoying the nice sunny weather! #ArtWorksDaily
Jessica, 18 from The Kravis Children’s Hospital at Mount Sinai shared this abstract piece with ArtWorks! What do you see? #ArtWorksDaily
It’s #NationalPetDay! Samantha from Saint Joseph’s Regional Medical Center shares how special her furry friends are to her. “Animals are great, I love them! I like to use my imagination when doing art!” #ArtWorksDaily